
Step 1.

Admire packaging, undo bow, unpack everything!
Take a photo of the number reference sheet, you will probably loose it at some point (It seems very un-important at the start, and becomes very important at the end).

Step 2.

Start with the lightest colours! It makes a huge difference to how clean those lines look in the end (painting light colours over dark paint, looks, well yucky). 

Step 3.

Make sure to dry your brush thoroughly before dipping it into the paint after rinsing it in water, not just when switching colors. This helps maintain the paint's thickness and consistency. If you're struggling with paint consistency, give this a try. x

Step 4.

Paint each section with the corresponding color, and don't worry too much about staying within the lines. Our kits are designed to allow for a bit of creative freedom. For smaller or more intricate sections, use a smaller brush for better control

Step 5.

Some sections may require multiple layers of paint for a smoother and more vibrant finish (Mainly our lighter colours!)
Allow each layer to dry completely before applying the next one to prevent colours from blending unintentionally

Step 6.

Instead of painting the entire canvas at once, work on smaller sections at a time. This approach helps you focus on the details and prevents smudging or accidental mixing of wet paint.
Take breaks as needed and enjoy the relaxing process of bringing your artwork to life! Just make sure the seal up your paint pots properly. 

Step 7.

Enjoy the journey! Dont put too much pressure on yourself. We recommend listening to an audio book or podcast while painting for a total switch off 🥰 (It honestly feels like switching your brain to auto pilot) 

Step 8.

Brag to all your friends about how little screen time you had this week, and how cute your art looks on your walls. x
